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- Characterization of Doped Silicon Thermometers for Very High Sensitivity Cryogenic Bolometers
- Electromagnetic Simulations of Newly Designed Semiconductor Bolometers for Submillimeter Observations
- The NIKA2 Instrument at 30-m IRAM Telescope : Performance and Results
- Development of astronomy large focal plane array ``ALFA’’ at Sofradir and CEA
- Second order nonlinear optical processes in [111] cubic crystals for terahertz optoelectronics (invited paper)
- Multi-frame linear regressive filter for the measurement of infrared pixel spatial response and MTF from sparse data
- Progress towards instrument miniaturisation for mid-IR long-baseline interferometry
- All integrated Lithium Niobate Standing Wave Fourier Transform Electro-optic Spectrometer
- Design of optical systems with toroidal curved detectors
- MTF measurements of a type-II superlattice infrared focal plane array sealed in a cryocooler
- Substructure and merger detection in resolved NIKA Sunyaev-Zel’dovich images of distant clusters
- The NIKA2 large-field-of-view millimetre continuum camera for the 30 m IRAM telescope
- A NIKA view of two star-forming infrared dark clouds : dust opacity variations and mass concentration
- NIKA 150 GHz polarization observations of the Crab nebula and its Spectral Energy Distribution
- BRAHMS-Sensitive Bolometer Arrays for the SPICA Imaging Polarimetry
- A multi-instrument non-parametric reconstruction of the electron pressure profile in the galaxy cluster CLJ1226. 9+ 3332
- First Sunyaev—Zel’dovich mapping with the NIKA2 camera : Implication of cluster substructures for the pressure profile and mass estimate
- Full electro-optic terahertz time-domain spectrometer for polarimetric studies
- Influence of Two-Photon Absorption Anisotropy on Terahertz Emission Through Optical Rectification in Zinc-Blende Crystals
- Sub-wavelength terahertz imaging through optical rectification
- Prototype High Angular Resolution LEKIDs for NIKA2
- Increased multiplexing of superconducting microresonator arrays by post-characterization adaptation of the on-chip capacitors
- Combining freeform optics and curved detectors for wide field imaging : a polynomial approach over squared aperture
- Mapping the kinetic Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect toward MACS J0717.5+3745 with NIKA
- Polarimetry at millimeter wavelengths with the NIKA camera : calibration and performance
- HgCdTe APDs for time resolved space applications
- Intra-pixel measurement techniques on large focal plane arrays for astronomical applications : a comparative study
- NanoVIPA : a miniaturized high-resolution visible échelle spectrometer, for the monitoring of young stars from a 6U Cubesat
- Overview of Space activity at Sofradir and new trends for future detector for science applications
- Flexible focal plane sensor for wide field imaging system
- Innovative focal plane design for wide field space telescope
- CNES infrared detector development for scientific space missions : status and roadmap
- Uniform Non-stoichiometric Titanium Nitride Thin Films for Improved Kinetic Inductance Detector Arrays
- Radiometric Characterization of Type-II InAs/GaSb Superlattice (T2SL) Midwave Infrared Photodetector
- NIKA2, a dual-band millimetre camera on the IRAM 30 m telescope to map the cold universe
- MCT APD focal plane arrays for astronomy at CEA-LETI
- Development activities on NIR large format MCT detectors for astrophysics and space science at CEA and SOFRADIR
- Intra-pixel measurements on large focal plane arrayS by use of self-imaging techniques
- Tunable curvature of visible CMOS image sensors innovative packaging approach for new optical functions
- Flexible focal plane arrays for UVOIR wide field instrumentation
- High-resolution tSZ cartography of clusters of galaxies with NIKA at the IRAM 30-m telescope
- The NIKA2 commissioning campaign : performance and first results
- High angular resolution SZ observations with NIKA and NIKA2
- High accuracy measurements of the intrapixel sensitivity of VIS to LWIR astronomical detectors : experimental demonstration
- Characterizing filaments in regions of high-mass star formation : High-resolution submilimeter imaging of the massive star-forming complex NGC 6334 with ArTéMiS
- ATISE : a miniature Fourier-Transform spectro-imaging concept for surveying auroras and airglow monitoring from a 6/12U cubesat
- NANOCARB-21 : a miniature Fourier-Transform spectro-imaging concept for a daily monitoring of greenhouse gas concentration on the earth surface
- HgCdTe detectors for space and science imaging in France : general issues and latest achievements
- The NIKA2 Instrument, A Dual-Band Kilopixel KID Array for Millimetric Astronomy
- Microfabrication Technology for Large Lekid Arrays : From Nika2 to Future Applications
- Crosstalk in a KID Array Caused by the Thickness Variation of Superconducting Metal
- Latest achievements on MCT IR detectors for space and science imaging
- Tunable curvature of large visible CMOS image sensors : Towards new optical functions and system miniaturization
- HgCdTe detectors for space and science imaging : general issues ans latest achievements
- A new technique of characterization of intrapixel response dedicated to astronomical detectors
- Low-dark current p-on-n MCT detector in long and very long-wavelength infrared
- LEKIDs as mm-Wave Polarisation Analysers : Fabrication, Test Bench and Early Results
- First Polarised Light with the NIKA Camera
- Progress on silicon bolometers for (sub)-millimeter astronomy : from ArTéMiS to future B-Mode detection space missions
- Current status and perspectives for Microspoc, the miniature Fournier transform spectrometer
- Development of an infrared ultra-compact multichannel camera integrated in a SOFRADIR’s Detector Dewar Cooler Assembly
- Dewar-cooler-integrated MWIR Spectrometer for high rates and high-dynamic range measurements
- Latest Developments in Long-Wavelength and Very-Long-Wavelength Infrared Detection with p-on-n HgCdTe
- Pressure distribution of the high-redshift cluster of galaxies CL J1226.9+3332 with NIKA
- Performance and calibration of the NIKA camera at the IRAM 30 m telescope
- Latest NIKA Results and the NIKA-2 Project
- First observation of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect with Kinetic Inductance Detectors
- ROIC development at CEA for SWIR detectors : pixel circuits and trade-offs
- SWIR HgCdTe avalanche photodiode focal plan arrays performances evaluation
- HgCdTe APDs for space applications
- Development and characterisation of MCT detectors for space astrophysics at CEA
- Discussion about photodiode architectures for space applications
- SWIFTS-LA : An Unprecedently Small Static Imaging FT Spectrometer
- Innovative compact focal plane array for wide field VIS and IR orbiting telescopes
- SWIFTS and SWIFTS-LA : two concepts for high spectral resolution static micro-imaging spectrometers
- HgCdTe Avalanche photodiode : application for Infra-Red detection
- Modeling and characterization of MTF at small pitch on Mercury Cadmium Telluride
- Modeling and characterization of MTF at small pitch on Mercury Cadmium Telluride
- Defects study in IR SWIR HgCdTe photodetectors using DLTS
- Study of the behavior of cross-talk in Hilbert KID array using Sonnet software
- RAPID, a revolutionary fast optical NIR camera applied to interferometry
- Revolutionary visible and infrared sensor detectors for the most advanced astronomical AO systems
- OCAM2S : an integral shutter ultrafast and low noise wavefront sensor camera for laser guide stars adaptive optics systems
- Very low noise Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensor for adaptive optics in the near-IR
- The NIKA 2013-2014 observation campaigns : control of systematic effects and results
- The ArTeMiS wide-field sub-millimeter camera : preliminary on-sky performance at 350 microns
- Optimization of kinetic inductance detectors for millimeter and submillimeter wave detection
- Development of a 4kx4k frame transfer electron multiplying CCD for scientific applications
- LGSD/NGSD : high speed optical CMOS imagers for E-ELT adaptive optics
- The Euclid VIS CCD detector design, development, and programme status
- A new technique of characterization of the intrapixel response of astronomical detectors
- A calibration method for the measurement of IR detector spectral responses using a FTIR spectrometer equipped with a DTGS reference cell
- CESAR : Cryogenic Electronics for Space Applications
- Detection of the tSZ effect with the NIKA camera
- First experimental results of very high accuracy centroiding measurements for the neat astrometric mission
- Cryogenic wafer-level MWIR camera : laboratory demonstration
- Mechanical behavior of flexible silicon devices curved in spherical configurations
- High speed readout electronics development for frequency-multiplexed kinetic inductance detector design optimization
- Improved mm-wave photometry for kinetic inductance detectors
- Imaging of broadband THz beams using an array of microbolometers at room temperature
- Observation of terahertz beam diffraction by fabrics
- Ondes électromagnétiques térahertz : 1 - principes et techniques
- Ondes électromagnétiques térahertz : 2 - applications
- Modeling of Dark Current in HgCdTe Infrared Detectors
- Issues in HgCdTe Research and Expected Progress in Infrared Detector Fabrication
- MCT planar p-on-n LW and VLW IRFPAs
- Visible and Infrared Wavefront Sensing Detectors Review
- The mid-infrared channel of the EChO mission
- PRISM (Polarized Radiation Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission) : an extended white paper
- The NIKA instrument : results and perspectives towards a permanent KID based camera for the Pico Veleta observatory
- PhD
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