Workshop "What future for European large format IR detectors ?"
Location : Astrophysics Division at CEA Saclay (IRFU/DAp)
Date : 7 December 2022
Registration : Please fill the form here before 30 November 2022
Rationale : Astronomy is one of the scientific fields where the observation of astronomical objects leads to the development of new detectors allowing to open windows in different wavelengths, for imaging or spectroscopic purposes, with stringent technical specifications. A strategic area concerns large format arrays working in the near infrared with possible applications on the ground and in space. The Labex FOCUS has participated in the development with ESA of the 2,000x2,000 ALFA arrays manufactured and characterized by the CEA-LETI, CEA-DAp and Lynred consortium. This one-day workshop is organized to bring together scientists and technologists in order to present the first results of ALFA, and the possible use of this detector for scientific purposes.
Scientific Organizing Committee (SOC)
- Fabien Malbet (FOCUS), co-organizer
- Marc Sauvage (FOCUS), co-organizer
- Philippe Feautrier (IPAG, Grenoble)
- Didier Tiphène (LESIA, Meudon)
- Hervé Geoffray (CNES, Toulouse)
- David Mouillet (President du Scientific Advisory Committee of FOCUS, IPAG, Grenoble)
- Isabelle Ribet (ONERA, Palaiseau)
- Benoît Neichel (LAM, Marseille)
Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
- Marc Sauvage (DAp, Saclay)
- Céline Lavet (FOCUS, Grenoble)
Final program
Note : Zoom link for remote participants (Meeting ID : 983 1859 4957 ; Secret code : 785252).
9h-9h30 | « Presentation of ALFA and ASTEROIDS projects » | O. Gravrand (CEA/LETI), senior scientist at LETI/DOPT |
9h30-10h | « Development at Lynred and CEA of very low flux SWIR detectors for astrophysics and space applications : first results for the ALFA detectors » | T. Pichon (CEA/Saclay), expert on infrared detector |
10h-10h30 | « Study and characterization of persistence on HgCdTe infrared detectors for astronomy application » | T. Le Goff (CEA/LETI), expert on infrared detector |
10h30-11h | « Using the ALFA detector in the CAGIRE camera for the ground-based SVOM follow-up » | J.-L. Atteia (CNRS/IRAP), principal investigator of the CAGIRE project |
11h-11h30 | café | |
11h30-12h30 | Visit of the CEA-IRFU characterization labs | O. Boulade (CEA/Saclay), senior scientist at CEA Saclay |
12h30-13h30 | Buffet | |
13h30-14h | « Summary review of the landscape of infrared detectors for space application » | H. Geoffray (CNES), expert on infrared detection at CNES |
14h-14h30 | « IR detectors status and prospects for ESO projects » | N. Hubin (ESO), head of the ESO Technology Development Program and D. Ives (ESO) head of Detectors Systems Group. |
14h30-15h | « Presentation of the R&T work and the future needs for IR detectors at ESA » | B. Shortt (ESTEC), Head of the Payload Technology Validation Section, Future Missions Department, Directorate of Science |
15h-15h15 | Café | |
15h15-16h | Open contributions
| |
16h-17h | Round table with B. Shortt (ESA), D. Ives (ESO), H. Geoffray (CNES) | D. Mouillet (FOCUS), moderator |
17h-17h30 | Conclusions |
List of participants (48) : Abdelkader Aliane (CEA – LETI), Jean-luc Atteia (IRAP - Toulouse), Giaco Badano (CEA - LETI), Keith Barnes (Leonardo UK Ltd), Stéphane Basa (LAM), Stéphane Basa (LAM), Sébastien Becker (CEA - LETI), Sylvie Bernhardt (ONERA), Michel Berthé (CEA Saclay), Olivier Boulade (CEA Saclay), Peter Marley Chingaipe (Observatoire de la Côte d’Azur), Angela Cortes (ESO), Florence de La Barrière (ONERA), Michel Dennefeld (IAP Paris), Sophie Derelle (ONERA), Eric Doumayrou (CEA Saclay), Gert Finger (Max Planck Institute for extraterrestrial Physics), Pascal Gallais (CEA Saclay), Hervé Geoffray (CNES), Olivier Gravrand (CEA - LETI), Jochen Greiner (MPE Garching), Jie Hu (GEPI - Observatoire de Paris), Norbert Hubin (ESO), Norma Hurtado (CEA Saclay), Derek Ives (ESO), Pierre Kern (IPAG Grenoble), Christian Ketchazo (CEA Saclay), Stefan Kraus (University of Exeter), Titouan Le Goff (CEA - LETI), Valentin Le Gouellec (SOFIA NASA Ames), Hendrik Linz (MPIA Heidelberg), Fabien Malbet (FOCUS / IPAG Grenoble), Jérôme Martignac (CEA Saclay), Pierre-Olivier Mine (Air Liquide Advanced Technologies), David Mouillet (IPAG Grenoble), Xavier Navick (CEA Saclay), Alix Nouvel De La Flèchea (IRAP), Thibault Pichon (CEA Saclay), Frédéric Pinsard (CEA Saclay), Diana Renaud (CEA Saclay), Vincent Revéret (CEA Saclay), Isabelle Ribet (ONERA), Marc Sauvage (FOCUS / CEA Saclay), Brian Shortt (ESA), Michel Tauvy (ONERA), Didier Tiphène (Observatoire de Paris - LESIA), Timothée Tollet (CEA Saclay), Henri Triou (CEA Saclay).
Practical information
Workshop Venue :
Salle Galilée, Bâtiment 713, site de l’Orme des Merisiers du CEA
(the entrance is easy to spot : there is a portrait of Galilée painted on the wall)
2° 8’55.08"E

Getting there and away :
By car : to be avoided, heavy construction works everywhere on the plateau make driving conditions unpredictable. But if you really need to, use the coordinates above, there is plenty of parking space close to the meeting venue.
By taxi : be careful that the driver does not take you to the main center ("porte nord") but really at "Orme des Merisier". The entrance is common with that of the Soleil Synchrotron and is at the end of the D128 (not D306 or D36, these roads have entrances to the main CEA center, NOT where you want to go). Another close location that the driver may know is "les Algorithmes" (the hexagonal buildings you see on the right of the photograph above).
By public transportation :
- Unless you stay in Massy or Le Guichet, it is probably wise to purchase a tourist ticket allowing you full travel in the area for a day. Check this page, considering that Orme des merisiers is in zone 5.
- From Massy-Palaiseau RER-B/RER-C station :
– Follow the signs to the "Gare routiere provisoire"(bus hub). It is located at a temporary place because of the metro construction. In general, there is a flow of people going there.
– Take bus 91-06 (heading for Christ de Saclay/HEC/Jouy) or 91-10 (heading for St Quentin en Yvelynes, less frequent).
– Get off at station Orme des Merisiers (the bus stop on the photograph above).
- From Le Guichet RER-B station :
– Follow the signs to the Gare routiere. It is 2’ walk uphill from the RER station, in general as well, there is a flow of people going there.
– Take bus 9 heading for Christ de Saclay or Campus HEC or Gare de Jouy en Josas
- Transit times (add margins for transfert)
– Denfert-Rochereau – Massy-Palaiseau : 25’
– Denfert-Rochereau – Le Guichet : 35’
– Massy-Palaiseau – Orme des Merisiers : 20’
– Le Guichet – Orme des Merisier : 10’Figure 3 – bus line 9 from Le Guichet RER B station
Where to stay ?
The closest area that offers a choice in terms of hotels and restaurants is Massy, around the transportation hub.
As the plateau develop there is a hotel 20’ walking from Orme des merisiers but you have to get there and then the choice of eating places is very limited.
Otherwise, any hotel in Paris close to RER-B stations is convenient.
Updated on 1er mars 2023