
We started three types of funding, which mainly addressed a national audience :

  • Equipment for practice in existing education programs : camera of a new robotic telescope for remote education programs (LabEx OCEVU funded the telescope), integrated spectrograph for the Grenoble “Institut Universitaire de Technologie” (IUT).
  • Organization of a one-week training course at Observatoire de Haute Provence (OHP) dedicated to visible and IR detection ; it includes practices in the laboratory and on telescopes. FOCUS funds the Laboratory benches. A yearly session addresses an audience of master students ; a second yearly session, starting in May 2015, will address a public of PhD students.
  • A MOOC dedicated to exoplanets and related detection technics (co-funded by the Joseph Fourier Universty (UJF) and the OSUG2020 labex).
  • The FOCUS project included supports to alternant education programs (half of the time at the University, the other half in a company or a laboratory) under construction at Grenoble IUT. The inception of this license was delayed ; first students will be hosted in September 2015. From 2015 onwards we offer also such support for engineering training course. Up to now FOCUS has brought half funding for 5 PhD students, as well as financial support for travel and small equipment

Updated on 4 octobre 2021