Sensor for mm and sub‐mm wawelength range

Context evolution
– CNES prospective 2014 : first priority :
Detection of
(to constrain inflation models of the early Universe evolution, prior to recombination)
– ESA cosmic vision 2015-2025 program
M5 call end 2015 : SPICA (sub mm) retenu en phase A. En savoir plus
FOCUS progresses
Detector development along two axes :
– High impedance bolometers
– Kinetic Inductance Detector (KIDs)*
(Choice was made not to develop Transistor Edge Sensors, well developed in US)
*superconducting devices using photon-assisted pair breaking to detect radiation

SI-Grid bolometers : a new start thanks to FOCUS
Assets : all silicon technology,
benefits from LETI silicon platform (semi-industrial),
Derived on bolometers developed for
Enhanced capability on the pixel two polarisations simultaneously measured, multi colors (Patented)
– New key technological processes successfully tested on test vehicles produced at Leti
– New technological processes in synergies with R&D for large production industrial projects at CEA-Leti
KIDS : fast reacting developments thanks to FOCUS
• very few technological steps to make them.
• Improvement of detector arrays for the NIKA2 camera
Increase in complexity

installed in 2015 at the 30 m IRAM telescope

Updated on 1er octobre 2021