Capteur pour la gamme de longueurs d’onde IR
Context evolution
– E-ELT decided in 2014 and started, as well as equivalent other ELT
– ARIEL one of the three missions selected for a phase A study by ESA in the framework of the M4 mission of the cosmic vision 2015-2015 programme
– calls for tenders foressen to provide near IR arrays for ELT instruments
=> first generation E-ELT instruments require
3 times more pixels than the whole VLT instrumentation.
FOCUS progresses
On line with FOCUS proposal : developments along three axes :
– HgCdTe large format near IR arrays
– HgCdTe electron Avalanche Photo-Diodes IR arrays (APD)
– HgCdTe mid-IR arrays
European HgCdTe near IR array : within reach
– Developping a strong partnership between industrial and academic partners to produce IR detectors with the best required performance for astrophysics
– ESA calls for developing IR arrays
– FOCUS (+ SOFRADIR) selected for Phase 1 and then 2
Last phase ESA call expected soon > increase format to 2k*2k
Preparation with SOFRADIR initiated by FOCUS
– 1 dedicated FOCUS-SOFRADIR workshop
– plus 1 additional strategic meeting
Near IR Avalanche PhotoDiodes : European lead
– new technology HgCdTe sensors with promising high performances
– to develop very fast IR detector which can be read at 1000 Hz - Applications : Adaptive Optics, interferometry, planetary space missions
– Europe Lead : SOFRADIR-LETI (FR), SELEX (UK)
– Started before FOCUS : program RAPID
Key contributions of FOCUS
– link with astrophysicists
> installation in the PIONIER instrument VLTI at Paranal
- Fainter objects detection (x 2 or 1.5 magnitude)
- Faster operation (x 2) for degraded weather conditions.
– Funding technical batches to improve performances
Mis à jour le 1er mars 2023