Innovative Detection
Context evolution
– Need for small payloads for scientific missions (planetary observation)
– Huge technological advances in detection for industrial applications leading to detectors with increasing performances, in terms of spatial, radiometric and spectral resolution
and SWAP-C products (low cost, low power, low weight, low space encumbering)
– Need to be able to answer ESA call with detector characterisation more and more stringent

FOCUS progresses
On line with the FOCUS proposal : development of innovative focal plane arrays to meet the need of future scientific missions :
– Deformable (curved) infrared focal plane arrays
– “Spectro on chip” Focal plane arrays
New : development of novel test/calibration benches of pixel response : INTRAPIX, unique in Europe
Deformable focal plane arrays
– Develop an experimental prototype of deformable infrared Focal Plane Array
– Analysis of curved FPAs application for future ELT instruments (HIRES, MOSAIC…)
– Successful partnership between two FOCUS labs bringing their own skills LAM : deformable mirror, CEA LETI : curved infrared FPA of micro-bolometers
![]() High curved IR FPA of quantum technology (HgCdTe) obtained in Apr. 2014 |
Spectro-on-chip focal plane arrays
– Propose a new generation of µ-spectro Focal Plan Arrays dedicated to applications requiring small payloads (space planetary science)
– Development of VIS and IR prototypes
– Successful partnership between two FOCUS labs bringing their own skills
(IPAG : SWIFTS VIS concept, ONERA : Microspoc IR concept).
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Updated on 1er octobre 2021