Call for Abstracts CMOS Image Sensors Workshop Toulouse 26 & 27 November 2019
Dear colleagues,
Please note the deadline for abstract submission is September 13th.
Co-organised by CNES, ESA,
CNES, ESA, AIRBUS DEFENCE & SPACE, THALES ALENIA SPACE, SODERN are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract to the 6th Toulouse CMOS image sensors workshop renamed “Space & Scientific CMOS Image Sensors” to be held in Toulouse on November 26th and 27th 2019 within the framework of the Optics and optoelectronics COMET (Communities of Experts).
The aim of this workshop is to focus on CMOS image sensors for scientific and space applications.
Although this workshop is organized by actors of the Space community, it is widely open to other professional imaging applications such as Machine vision, Medical, Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and Broadcast (UHDTV) that boost the development of new pixel and sensor architectures for high end applications.
Furthermore, we would like to invite Laboratories and Research Centres which develop Custom CMOS image sensors with advanced smart design on-chip to join this rendezvous.
Abstracts shall preferably address one or more of the following topics :
- pixel design (low lag, linearity, FWC, MTF optimization, high quantum efficiency, large pitch pixels)
- electrical design (low noise amplifiers, shutter, CDS, high speed architectures, TDI, extended dynamic)
- on-chip ADC (in pixel, column, …)
- on-chip processing (smart sensors, multiple gains, summation, corrections)
- CMOS for infrared applications
- electron multiplication, avalanche photodiodes (photon counting, low light levels)
- materials (thin film, optical layers, dopant, high resistivity, amorphous Si)
- processes (backside thinning, hybridization, 3D stacking, anti-reflection coating)
- optical design (micro-lenses, trench isolation, filters)
- large size devices (stitching, butting)
- CMOS image sensors with recent space heritage (in-flight performance)
- high speed interfaces
- focal planes architectures
Abstract submission
Please send a short abstract on one A4 page maximum in word or pdf format giving the title, the authors name and affiliation, and presenting the subject of your talk,
to the organization committee (e-mail addresses are given hereafter).
Workshop official language
Oral presentation shall be requested for the workshop. The official language for the workshop is English.
Slide submission
After abstract acceptance notification, the authors will be requested to prepare their presentation in pdf or powerpoint file format, to be presented at the workshop and give a copy to the organization committee with an authorization to make it available for attendees, and on-line for the CCT members.
Contact : alex.materne
Mis à jour le 10 septembre 2019