
With expertise across the entire detection chain, LabEx FOCUS makes a major contribution in the near-infrared to submillimetre field from the design to the characterisation of detectors with the best performance for astrophysics.
FOCUS brings together 60 experts from 9 of the major laboratories in the sector, exploiting their geographical proximity around Grenoble by joining the highly qualified laboratories of CEA/Irfu and ONERA in Ile de France and LAM in Marseille, which bring their (…)

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The governance of Labex FOCUS is organised through four committees.
The executive committee
Composition : the executive committee is made of one member of each partner. In the case of the LabEx this means 11 persons.
Missions :it elaborates the yearly budget in agreement with the scientific committee and submits it to the director, it reviews on a regular basis (every three months) the running projects of the action plan, and it takes operational decisions linked to this plan. It (…)

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Partner 1 : IPAG CNRS UMR 5274 IPAG addresses stellar and planetary formation, from the initial phases of the core collapse where molecular complexity builds up, to the circum-stellar disk physics and chemistry and planets formation, including star-disk interaction via the star magnetosphere. IPAG works on the physical processes implied in accretion-ejection phenomena around young stellar objects, and compact objects where high energy and relativistic effects are involved. In planetary (…)

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FOCUS 3 : Vers une notion « système » du détecteur
With expertise across the entire detection chain, the FOCUS labEx is making a major contribution in the optical to millimetre wavelength domain, from the design to the characterization of detectors with a view to achieving the best performance for astrophysics.
The results of the LabEx, since its foundation in 2012, clearly show its capacity for innovation : theNIKA2 camera using highly multiplexed KIDs installed at IRAM provides (…)

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