Research and valorisation

Sensor for IR wawelength range

Context evolution E-ELT decided in 2014 and started, as well as equivalent other ELT ARIEL one of the three missions selected for a phase A study by ESA in the framework of the M4 mission of the cosmic vision 2015-2015 programme calls for tenders foressen to provide near IR arrays for ELT instruments => first generation E-ELT instruments require 
3 times more pixels than the whole VLT instrumentation.
FOCUS progresses On line with FOCUS (…)

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Sensor for mm and sub‐mm wawelength range

Context evolution CNES prospective 2014 : first priority : Detection of B-modes of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) polarization (to constrain inflation models of the early Universe evolution, prior to recombination) ESA cosmic vision 2015-2025 program M5 call end 2015 : SPICA (sub mm) retenu en phase A. En savoir plus
FOCUS progresses
Detector development along two axes : High impedance bolometers Kinetic Inductance Detector (KIDs)* (Choice was made not to develop Transistor Edge (…)

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Innovative Detection

Context evolution Need for small payloads for scientific missions (planetary observation) Huge technological advances in detection for industrial applications leading to detectors with increasing performances, in terms of spatial, radiometric and spectral resolution and SWAP-C products (low cost, low power, low weight, low space encumbering) Need to be able to answer ESA call with detector characterisation more and more stringent
FOCUS progresses On line with the FOCUS proposal : (…)

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Advanced characterisation of focal planes

– Develop a technique to measure intra-pixel responses for large Focal Plane Arrays : Application to Cosmic Vision program (EUCLID, PLATO)
– Successful partnership between two FOCUS labs bringing their own skills 
IRFU : Advanced characterizations of FPAs for scientific space missions
ONERA : MTF measurement of IRFPAs by use of self imaging techniques). FOCUS results

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